연번 | 구분 | 게재연도 (등록일) | 저자 | 제목 | 게재학술지명 (권,호,쪽) |
235 |
국내 |
2025 |
Gu-Yeon Kim, Ji Yoon Kim and Gea-Jae Joo |
Distribution and Restoration Plan of Bolboschoenus planiculmis in the Nakdong River Estuary Wetland Conservation Area: Effects of Salinity, Soil Texture, and Tidal Regime |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
234 |
국내 |
2025 |
Jooseong Kim, Mihyeon Kim, Youngmin Kim, Hyo Gyeom Kim, Hyun-Woo Kim, Gea-Jae Joo and Sungwon Hong |
Assessing the Potential of Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) Spraint Density as a Ecological Indicator for River Ecosystem Monitoring: A Case Study in the Nakdong River Basin |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
233 |
국내 |
2025 |
Donghyun Hong, Seung-Been Heo, Kang-Hui Kim, Jeong-Soo Gim, Hyunbin Jo, Yunseong Lee, Hang-Ah Kim and Gea-Jae Joo |
Discovering the Current Status of Fish Fauna in the Nakdong River Estuary Fishways Using an Automatic Monitoring System |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
232 |
국내 |
2025 |
Jeong Soo Gim, Hyunbin Jo and Gea-Jae Joo |
Changes in Fish Communities in the Lower Nakdong River |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
231 |
국내 |
2025 |
Yerim Lee, Yuno Do, Seung Oh Suh, Ji-Deok Jang, Chanwoo Lee and Gea-Jae Joo |
Distribution and Habitat Use of Wintering Waterbirds in Busan and Gyeongsangnam-do |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
230 |
국내 |
2025 |
Yuno Do, Gu-Yeon Kim and Gea-Jae Joo |
Interaction between Junam Reservoir and Surrounding Paddy Fields as Migratory Bird Habitats and Analysis of Habitat Loss Scenarios |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
229 |
국내 |
2025 |
Gu-Yeon Kim, Hee-Sun Park, Ji Yoon Kim, Ran-Young Im, Seong-Bo Kim, Dong Suk Choi, Jinwon Seo, Hyun-Woo Kim and Gea-Jae Joo |
The Flora of Nakdong River Estuary Ecological Park and the Distribution Status of Invasive Plants 10 Years after the Park Establishment |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
228 |
국내 |
2025 |
Ji Yoon Kim, Ran-Young Im, Jaeyeon Lee, Seong-Min Lee, Migyeong Jung, Gu-Yeon Kim and Gea-Jae Joo |
Changes in Plant Ecological Research Topics in the Middle and Lower Nakdong River |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
227 |
국내 |
2025 |
Hyo Gyeom Kim, Eunsong Jeong, Dong-Gyun Hong, Myung Chul Kim, Dong-Kyun Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong and Gea-Jae Jo |
Long-term Trends in Phytoplankton Community Succession Patterns and Their Drivers in the Lower Reach of the Nakdong River |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
226 |
국내 |
2025 |
Ji Yoon Kim, Jonghun Kim, Dongwan Hong, Gu-Yeon Kim, Yuno Do, Hyun-Woo Kim and Gea-Jae Joo
Exploring Public Perception and Scientific Research on the Nakdong River Ecosystem: A Text Mining Approach to Analyzing Topic Trends
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
225 |
국내 |
2025 |
Hyun-Woo Kim, Gu-Yeon Kim, Geung-Hwan La, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Eui-Jeong Ko and Gea-Jae Joo Original Articles |
The Research Trends of Zooplankton in the Nakdong River Basin, South Korea |
KJEE, 2025, 58(1) |
224 |
국제 |
2024 | Hee-Sun Park, Gea-Jae Joo, Ji Yoon Kim , Gu-Yeon Kim, Hyunbin Jo |
Combined effect of temporal inundation and aboveground-cutting on the growth performance of two emergent wetland plants, Phragmites australis and Bolboschoenus planiculmis |
PEERJ, 2024,12 |
223 |
국제 |
2024 |
Kanghui Kim, Kyung-A You , Jeong-Hui Kim, Sang-Hyeon Park, Seung-Ho Baek, Kwang-Seuk Jeong , Gea-Jae Joo, Hyunbin Jo |
Faecal DNA Metabarcoding for Diet Analysis of Endangered Fish Species, Odontobutis obscurus |
ANIMALS 2024, 14-21 |
222 | 국제 | 2024 | Yerim Lee, Yuno Do, Maurice Lineman , Gea‑Jae Joo & Hyunbin Jo | Application of citizen science with the nationwide bird census | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2024, 14 |
221 | 국제 | 2024 | Donghyun Hong, Jeong-Soo Gim, Gea-Jae Joo, Dong-Kyun Kim, Daehyun Choi, Hak-Young Lee, Kwang-Seuk Jeong and Hyunbin Jo | Effects of estuary reopening management on the fish community in the Nakdong River Estuary | Frontiers in Marine Science 2024,11 |
220 | 국제 | 2023 | Eunsong Jung, Gea-Jae Joo, Hyo Gyeom Kim, Dong-Kyun Kim and Hyun-Woo Kim | Effects of Seasonal and Diel Variations in Thermal Stratification on Phytoplankton in a Regulated River | Sustainability 2023, 15, 16330 |
219 | 국제 | 2023 | Kanghui Kim, Gea-Jae Joo, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Jeong-Soo Gim, Yerim Lee, Donghyun Hongand Hyunbin Jo | Molecular Diet Analysis of Asian Clams for Supplementary Biodiversity Monitoring: A Case Study of Nakdong River Estuary | Biology 2023, 12, 1245 |
218 | 국제 | 2023 | Yu‑Ji Heo, Hyunbin Jo , Ji Yoon Kim, Gu‑Yeon Kim, Gea‑Jae Joo and Hyun‑Woo Kim | Application of DNA Metabarcoding for Identifying the Diet of Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea, Müller, 1774) | Sustainability 2023, 15, 441 |
217 | 국제 | 2022 | JEONG-SOO GIM, SANG-BIN LEE, HYO GYEOM KIM, DONG-KYUN KIM, SEOK-NAM KWAK, GEA-JAE JOO AND HYUNBIN JO | Habitat selection behaviour of Pungitius kaibarae (Gasterosteidae) in the presence of the visual predator Anguilla japonica (Anguillidae) | INDIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES 2022,69,3 |
216 | 국제 | 2022 | Hyunbin Jo ,Jang, Ji-Deok,Jeong, Keon-Young, Gim, Jeong-An,Gea-Jae Joo, Jeong, Kwang-Seuk | Prey Identification of the Little Tern, Sternula albifrons (Pallas, 1764), by Applying DNA Barcoding to Fecal Materials | Sustainability 2022, 14 |
215 | 국제 | 2022 | Donghyun Hong, Gea-Jae Joo, Eunsong Jung, Jeong-Soo Gim , Ki Baik Seong , Doo-Ho Kim , Maurice J. M. Lineman, Hyun-Woo Kim, Hyunbin Jo | The Spatial Distribution and Morphological Characteristics of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in South Korea | Fishes 2022, 7, 27 |
214 | 국제 | 2022 | Eui-Jeong Ko , Eunsong Jung, Yuno Do, Gea-Jae Joo, Hyun-Woo Kim, Hyunbin Jo | Impact of River-Reservoir Hybrid System on Zooplankton Community and River Connectivity | Sustainability 2022, 14, 5184 |
213 | 국제 | 2022 | Seong-Ki Kim, Gea-Jae Joo, Jong-Yun Choi | Effect of Gated Weir Opening on the Topography and Zooplankton Community of Geum River, South Korea | Land 2022, 11, 529 |
212 | 국제 | 2022 | Seong-Ki Kim, Jong-Hak Yun, Gea-Jae Joo, Jong-Yun Choi | Hydrological Characteristics and Trophic Status as Dominant Drivers of Rotifer Community Composition in Artificially Created Riverine Wetlands | Animals 2022, 12, 461 |
211 | 국제 | 2021 | Hyo Gyeom Kim, Friedrich Recknagel, Hyun-Woo Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Implications of flow regulation for habitat conditions and phytoplankton populations of the Nakdong River, South Korea | Water Research 207 |
210 | 국제 | 2021 | Sungwon Hong, Tae-Soo Chon,Gea-Jae Joo | Spatial Distribution Patterns of Eurasian Otter (Lutra Lutra) in Association with Environmental Factors Unravelled by Machine Learning and Diffusion Kernel Method | Journal of Environmental Informatics (37) |
209 | 국제 | 2021 | Sungwon Hong, Gea-Jae Joo | Secondary forest development during urbanization sustains apex carnivore populations of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) | Landscape and Urban Planning (208) |
208 | 국제 | 2021 | Eui-Jeong Ko. Yuno Do. Hojoon Kim. Haeng-Seop Song. Timothy S. Wood.<> Tae-Soo Chon. Gea-Jae Joo. Ji Yoon Kim | Effective detection methods for Pectinatella magnifica Leidy 1851 colony distribution using statoblasts | Biol Invasions (23) |
207 | 국제 | 2021 | Hyo Gyeom Kim, Sungwon Hong, Tae-Soo Chon, Gea-Jae Joo | Spatial patterning of chlorophyll a and water-quality measurements for determining environmental thresholds for local eutrophication in the Nakdong River basin | Environmental Pollution (268) |
206 | 국내 | 2020 | 홍동현, 성기백, 고의정, 정은송, 조현빈, 주기재 | 연어(Oncorhynchus keta)의 밀양강 분포 및 소상 한계선 파악 | 생태와환경(53, 4,445-452) |
205 | 국제 | 2020 | Eui-Jeong Ko , Dong-Kyun Kim, Eun-Song Jung, Yu-Ji Heo , Gea-Jae Joo, and Hyun-Woo Kim | Comparison of Zooplankton Community Patterns in Relation to Sediment Disturbances by Dredging in the Guemho River, Korea | water(12) |
204 | 국제 | 2020 | Sungwon Hong , Ji Yoon Kim , Young-Min Kim, Yuno Do , Dong-Kyun Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Factors influencing initial population establishment and habitat expansion of introduced nutrias (Myocastor coypus) in South Korea | Ecological Informatics(59) |
203 | 국제 | 2020 | Sungwon Hong , Friedrich Recknage , Hyo Gyeom Kim, Tae-Soo Chona , Gea-Jae Joo | Relationships of otter populations with fish, macroinvertebrates and water quality across three Korean rivers revealed by inferential modelling based on evolutionary computation | Ecological Informatics(59) |
202 | 국제 | 2020 | Hye-Ji Oh , Paul Henning Krogh , Hyun-Gi Jeong , Gea-Jae Joo , Ihn-Sil Kwak , Sun-Jin Hwang, Jeong-Soo Gim, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, and Hyunbin Jo | Pretreatment Method for DNA Barcoding to Analyze Gut Contents of Rotifers | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL(10) |
201 | 국제 | 2020 | Ran-Young Im , Taekyu Kim , Chung-Yeol Baek , Chang-Su Lee , Song-Hyun Kim , Jung-Hwan Lee , Ji Yoon Kim and Gea-Jae Joo | The influence of surrounding land cover on wetland habitat conditions: a case study of inland wetlands in South Korea | Peer J |
200 | 국제 | 2020 | Ran-Young Im, Ji Yoon Kim, , Jun Nishihiro , Gea-Jae Joo | Large weir construction causes the loss of seasonal habitat in riverine wetlands: a case study of the Four Large River Projects in South Korea | Ecological Engineering(152) |
199 | 국제 | 2020 | Hyo Gyeom Kim , Sungwon Hong , Dong-Kyun Kim , Gea-Jae Joo | Drivers shaping episodic and gradual changes in phytoplankton community succession: Taxonomic versus functional groups | Science of the Total Environment(734) |
198 | 국제 | 2020 | Seong-Ki Kim, Jeong-Cheol Kim, Gea-Jae Joo, Jong-Yun Choi | Response of the rotifer community to human-induced changes in the trophic state of a reservoir. | Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies. 49(4): 329-344. |
197 | 국제 | 2020 | Sungwon Hong , Mirko Di Febbraro , Anna Loy , Phil Cowan , Gea-Jae Joo | Large scale faecal (spraint) counts indicate the population status of endangered Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) | Ecological Indicators(109) |
196 | 국제 | 2019 | Hyo-Gyeum Kim, Hak-Young Lee, Gea-Jae Joo | Trait-based algal community assembly associated with Pectinatella magnifica (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata) | ALGAE(34,2,99-109) |
195 | 국제 | 2019 | Hyun-Bin Jo,Jeppesen, Erik, Ventura, Marc, Buchaca, Teresa, Jeong-Soo Gim, Ju-Duk Yoon, kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Responses of fish assemblage structure to large-scale weir construction in riverine ecosystems | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT(657, 1334-1342) |
194 | 국제 | 2019 | Ji Yoon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Combined influence of meteorological, hydrological, and physicochemical factors on macrophyte overgrowth in agricultural reservoirs | LIMNOLOGY(20, 1, 3-11) |
193 | 국제 | 2018 | Ji Yoon Kim1, Gu-Yeon Kim1, Yuno Do, Hee-Sun Park, Gea-Jae Joo | Relative importance ofhydrological variables in predictingthe habitat suitability of Euryaleferox Salisb. | Journal ofPlant EcologyVOLUME 11, NUMBER 2,PAGES 169–179 |
192 | 국제 | 2018 | J.-S. Gim, E.-J. Ko, Y. Do, G.-Y. Kim, S.-W. Hong, G.-J. Joo, H. Jo | Length–weight relationships of four freshwater fishes from theGeoje-islandin South Korea | J Appl Ichthyol. 2018;1–3 |
191 | 국제 | 2018 | Jeong-Soo Gim, Eui-Jeong Ko, Hyo-Gyeum Kim, Young-Min Kim, Sungwon Hong, Hyun-Woo Kim,Jeong-An Gim,, Gea-Jae Jooand Hyunbin Jo | Complete mitochondrial genome of thefreshwater bryozoan Pectinatella magnifica(Phylactolaemata: Plumatellida) assembled fromnext-generation sequencing data | MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART B: RESOURCES, 2018VOL. 3, NO. 1, 373–374 |
190 | 국제 | 2018 | Sungwon Hong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Yuno Do, Ji Yoon Kim, Young-Min Kim, Phil Cowan,Gea-Jae Joo | Stream health, topography, and land use influences on the distribution ofthe Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in the Nakdong River basin, South Korea | Ecological Indicators 88 (2018) 241–249 |
189 | 국내 | 2017 | Kim Young Min , Sungwon Hong , Yu Seong Lee , Ki Cheol Oh , Gu Yeon Kim , Gea- Jae Joo | Co-occurrence Patterns of Bird Species in the World | 생태와환경(50, 4,478-482) |
187 | 국제 | 2017 | Ji Yoon Kim,Gu-Yeon Kim, Yuno Do, Hee-Sun Park,Gea-Jae Joo | Relative importance of hydrological variables in predicting the habitat suitability of Euryale ferox Salisb. | J Plant Ecol rtw106DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtw106 |
186 | 국제 | 2017 | Yuno Do, Ji Yoon Kim, Hyun Woo Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Distribution of carabid beetles within wildlife corridors connecting fragmented forests | andscape Ecol EngDOI 10.1007/s11355-016-0319-1 |
185 | 국제 | 2017 | Sungwon Hong, Phil Cowan, Yuno Do, Jeong-Soo Gim, Gea-Jae Joo | Seasonal feeding habits of nutria (Myocastor coypus) in South Korea | Hystrix, Italian journal of Mammalogydoi:10.4404/hystrix-27.2-11895 |
184 | 국제 | 2017 | D. K. Kim, H. Jo, J. D. Yoon, J. H. Kim, M. H. Jang, G.J. Joo, J.S. Gim | Length–weight relationships of 19 freshwater fishes from the Upo Wetland in South Korea | Journal of applied ichthyologyDOI: 10.1111/jai.13253 |
183 | 국제 | 2017 | F. RECKNAGEL, D.-K. KIM, G.-J. JOO AND H. CAO | "Response of Microcystis and Stephanodiscus to alternative flow regimes of the regulated River Nakdong (South Korea) quantified by model ensembles based on the hybrid evolutionary algorithm HEA" in its current form for publication in River Research and Applications | River Research and ApplicationsDOI: 10.1002/rra.3141 |
182 | 국제 | 2017 | Sungwon Hong, Yuno Do, Jeong-Soo Gim, Gea-Jae Joo | Conservation activities for the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) traced from newspapers during 1962–2010 in South Korea | Conservation Biology |
181 | 국제 | 2016 | D.-K. Kim J.-S. Gim J.-D. Yoon Y. DoG.-J. JooH. Jo | Length-weight relationships of 10 freshwater fishes from the Busan Metropolitan City in South Korea | JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY 32(6)1365-1367 |
180 | 국제 | 2016 | Ji Yoon Kim,Gea-Jae Joo, Hyun-Woo Kim, Gu-Yeon Kim, and Yuno Do | A scientometric study of the limnological societies: inferences of research collaboration and core topics based on publication networks | Inland Waters (2016) 6, pp.395-405 |
179 | 국제 | 2016 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong and Gea-Jae Joo | Effect of Indian Ocean Dipole signal on freshwater cyanobacterial dynamics | Inland Waters (2016) 6, pp.414-422 |
178 | 국제 | 2016 | Richard J Ladle, Ricardo A Correia, Yuno Do,Gea-Jae Joo, Ana CM Malhado, Raphael Proulx, Jean-Michel Roberge, and Paul Jepson | Conservation culturomics | Front Ecol Environ 2016; 14(5): 269-275 |
177 | 국제 | 2016 | Jong-Yun Choi, Seong-Ki Kim, Geung-Hwan La, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Dong-Kyun Kim, Keon-Young Jeong, Min S. Park,Gea-Jae Joo, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong | Effects of algal food quality on sexual reproduction of Daphnia magna | Ecology and EvolutionDOI: 10.1002/ece3.2058) |
176 | 국제 | 2016 | Ji Yoon Kim, Ran-Young Im, Yuno Do, Gu-Yeon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Above-ground Biomass Estimation of Tuberous Bulrush (Bolboschoenus planiculmis) in Mudflats using Remotely Sensed Multispectral Image | Ocean Science Journal 51(1):151-158 |
175 | 국제 | 2016 | Ji Yoon Kim, Krupasindhu Bhatta, Curdeep Rastogi, Pradipta R. Muduli, Yuno Do, Dong-Kyun Kim, Ajit K. Pattnaik, Gea-Jae Joo | Application of multivariate analysis to determine spatial and temporal changes in water quality after new channel construction in the Chilika Lagoon | Ecological Engineering 90 (2016) 314-319 |
174 | 국제 | 2016 | Ju-Duk Yoon, Min-Ho Jang, Hyun-Bin Jo, Kwang-Seok Jeong, Gu-Yeon Kim,Gea-Jae Joo | Changes of fish assemblages after construction of an estuary barrage in the lower Nakdong River, South Korea | Limnology DOI 10.1007/s10201-015-0476-1 |
173 | 국제 | 2016 | Dong-Gyun Hong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Hyun-Woo Kim, Yuno Do,Gea-Jae Joo | Limnological assessment of the meteo-hydrological and physicochemical factors for summer cyanobacterial blooms in a regulated river system | International Journal of Limnology 52:123-136 |
172 | 국제 | 2016 | Hyunbin Jo, Marc Ventura, Nicolas Vidal, Jeong-Soo Gim, Teresa Buchaca, Leon A. Barmuta, Erik Jeppesen,Gea-Jae Joo | Discovering hidden biodiversity: The use of complementary monitoring of fish diet based on DNA barcoding in freshwater ecosystems | Ecology and Evolution 2016; 6(1): 219-232 |
171 | 국내 | 2016 | 김지윤, 도윤호, 주기재, 김은희, 박은영, 이상협, 백명수 | 수돗물 이용에 대한 국내 연구동향과 사회적 인식 | 생태와 환경(49, 3, 208-214) |
170 | 국내 | 2016 | 김영민, 김지윤, 오기철, 주기재, 도윤호 | 산지습원 무제치늪의 탐방객 특성 | 한국습지학회(18, 8, 262-266) |
169 | 국제 | 2015 | Ji Yoon Kim, Gurdeep Rastogi, Yuno Do, Dong-Kyun Kim, Pradipta R. Muduli, Rabindra N. Samal, Ajit K. Pattnaik,Gea-Jae Joo | Trends in a satellite-derived vegetation index and environmental variables in a restored brackish lagoon | Global Ecology and Conservation 4 (2015) 614-624 |
168 | 국제 | 2015 | Yuno Do, Gea-Jae Joo | Heterogeneity from increasing crop types: effect on carabid beetles | Entomological Research(45, 6, 314-322) |
167 | 국제 | 2015 | Dong-Kyun Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Yuno Do, Hyun-Woo Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Assessment of Stream Integrity in Relation to Neighboring Land Use Coverage | Ekoloji (24, 96, 1-12) |
166 | 국제 | 2015 | Ji Yoon Kim, Gu-Yeon Kim, Yuno Do, Gea-Jae Joo | Effects of Monsoon on Topography, Soil Variables, and Coastal Plants. | Estuaries and Coasts (38,494-505) |
165 | 국제 | 2015 | Un-Jung Kim, Hyunbin Jo, In-Seok Lee, Gea-Jae Joo, Jeong-Eun Oh | Investigation of bioaccumulation and biotransformation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, hydroxylated and methoxylated derivatives in varying trophic level freshwater fishes. | Chemosphere (137, 108-114) |
164 | 국제 | 2015 | Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Seuk Jeong andGea-Jae Joo | Rainfall as dominant driver of rotifer dynamics in shallow wetlands: Evidence from a long-term data record (Upo Wetlands, South Korea) | International Review of Hydrobiology (100, 21-33) |
163 | 국제 | 2015 | Yuno Do, Gea-Jae Joo | Response of carabid beetles to wetland creation in an intensive agricultural landscape | Ecological Engineering (84, 47-52) |
162 | 국제 | 2015 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, MinHyeok Kim, Hyunbin Jo, Jeong-An Gim, Dong-Kyun Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Search of optimal locations for species- or group-specific primer design in DNA sequences: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). | Ecological Informatics (29, 214-220) |
161 | 국제 | 2015 | Ju-Duk Yoon, Jeong-Hui Kim, Hyun-Bin Jo, Min-Ae Yeom, Woo-Myung Heo, Gea-Jae Joo, Min-Ho Jang | Seasonal habitat utilization and movement patterns of the threatened Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis in a Korean river. | Environmental Biology of Fishes (98, 225-236) |
160 | 국제 | 2015 | Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Geung-Hwan LA, Gea-Jae Joo. | Spatio-temporal distribution of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Cladocera: Sididae) in freshwater reservoir ecosystems: importance of maximum water depth and macrophyte beds for avoidance of fish predation | Journal of Limnology (74, 2, 403-413) |
159 | 국제 | 2015 | Maurice Lineman, Yuno Do, Ji Yoon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Talking about Climate Change and Global Warming | PLOS ONE (10, 9, e0138996) |
158 | 국제 | 2015 | Jong-Yun CHOI, Kwang-Seuk JEONG, Geung-Hwan LA, Kwang-Hyeon CHANG, Gea-Jae Joo. | The influence of aquatic macrophytes on the distribution and feeding habits of two Asplanchna species (A. priodonta and A. herrickii) in shallow wetlands in South Korea | Journal of Limnology (74, 1, 1-11) |
157 | 국제 | 2015 | Yuno Do, Ji Yoon Kim, Maurice Lineman, Dong-Kyun Kim, andGea-Jae Joo | Using internet search behavior to assess public awareness of protected wetlands | Conservation Biology (29, 1, 271-279) |
156 | 국제 | 2015 | Yuno Do, Seong-Bo Kim, Ji Yoon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Wetland-based tourism in South Korea: who, when, and why | Wetlands Ecology and Management (23, 779-787) |
155 | 국제 | 2015 | Sungwon Hong, Yuno Do, Ji Yoon Kim, Dong-Kyun Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Distribution, spread and habitat preferences of nutria (Myocastor coypus) invading the lower Nakdong River, South Korea | Biological Invasions (17, 1485-1496) |
154 | 국제 | 2015 | Ji-Deok Jang, Seong-Gwang Chun, Kyung-Cheol Kim, Keon-Young Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Ji Yoon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo, Kwang-Seuk Jeong | Long-term adaptations of a migratory bird (Little Tern Sternula albifrons) to quasi-natural flooding disturbance | Ecological Informatics (29, 166-173) |
153 | 국내 | 2015 | 김지윤, 도윤호, 이찬우, 최기룡, 주기재, 조현빈 | 지방정부의 습지보전실천계획 수립과 과제 현황분석: 경상남도를 대상으로 | 한국습지학회(17, 3, 245-250) |
152 | 국내 | 2015 | 도윤호, 고의정, 김영민, 김효겸, 주기재, 김지윤, 김현우 | 텍스트마이닝 (text-mining) 기법을 이용한 국내 담수외래종 연구동향 파악 | 생태와 환경 (48, 3, 195-202) |
151 | 국내 | 2015 | 임란영, 김지윤, 최종윤, 도윤호, 주기재 | 4대강 사업 후 낙동강 중·하류의 하중도와 제외지 지형변화 | 생태와 환경 (48, 3, 188-194) |
150 | 국제 | 2014 | Hyunbin Jo, Jeong-An Gim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Heui-Soo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Application of DNA barcoding for identification of freshwater carnivorous fish diets: Is number of prey species dependent on size-class for Micropterus salmoides? | Ecology and Evolution (4, 2, 219-229) |
149 | 국제 | 2014 | Yuno Do, Maurice Lineman, Gea-Jae Joo | Carabid beetles in green infrastructures: the importance of management practices for improving the biodiversity in a metropolitan city | Urban Ecosystems (17, 661-673) |
148 | 국제 | 2014 | G. H. La, K. H. Chang, M. H. Jang, G. J. Jooand H. W. Kim. | Comparison of Morphological Defences in Asexually and Sexually Reproduced Eggs of Daphnia (D. galeata and D. similis) against Fish Kairomones | Russian Journal of Ecology (45, 4, 314-318) |
147 | 국제 | 2014 | Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Geung-Hwan La, Gea-Jae Joo | Effect of removal of free-floating macrophytes on zooplankton habitat in shallow wetland. | Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (414, 11, 1-10) |
146 | 국제 | 2014 | Yuno Do, Ji Yoon Kim, Gu-Yeon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Importance of closed landfills as green space in urbanized areas: ecological assessment using carabid beetles. | Landscape and Ecological Engineering (10, 277-284) |
145 | 국제 | 2014 | Geung-Hwan La, Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Min-Ho Jang, Gea-Jae Joo, Hyun-Woo Kim | Mating Behavior of Daphnia: Impacts of Predation Risk, Food Quantity, and Reproductive Phase of Females. | PLOS ONE (9, 8, e104545) |
144 | 국제 | 2014 | Jong-Yun Choi, Seong-Ki Kim, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Myoung-Chul Kim, Geung-Hwan La, Gea-Jae Joo, Kwang-Seuk Jeong | Population Growth of the Cladoceran, Daphnia magna: A Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of Different Algal Food | PLOS ONE (9, 4, e95591) |
143 | 국제 | 2014 | Dong-Gyun Hong, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Remedial strategy of algal proliferation in a regulated river system by integrated hydrological control: evolutionary modelling framework | Marine and Freshwater Research (65, 379-395) |
142 | 국제 | 2014 | Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Seong-Ki Kim, Geung-Hwan La, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Gea-Jae Joo. | Role of macrophytes as microhabitats for zooplankton community in lentic freshwater ecosystems of South Korea | Ecological Informatics (24, 177-185) |
141 | 국제 | 2014 | Jong-Yun CHOI, Kwang-Seuk JEONG, Geung-Hwan LA, Seong-Ki KIM, Gea-Jae Joo | Sustainment of epiphytic microinvertebrate assemblage in relation with different aquatic plant microhabitats in freshwater wetlands (South Korea) | Journal of Limnology (73, 1, 197-202) |
140 | 국제 | 2014 | Ji Yoon Kim, Yuno Do, Ran-Young Im, Gu-Yeon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Use of large web-based data to identify public interest and trends related to endangered species. | Biodiversity and Conservation (23, 2961-2984) |
139 | 국내 | 2014 | Maurice JM Lineman, Yuno Do, Ji-Yoon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Mistakes Made, Lessons Learned: The Eulsukdo Wetland Restoration Program | Journal of Environmental Sciences International (23, 8, 1523-1536) |
138 | 국내 | 2014 | Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Seuk Jeong andGea-Jae Joo | Zooplankton community distribution in shallow reservoirs during winter: Influence of environmental factors on Cyclops vicinus (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) | Journal of Ecology and Environment (37, 2, 99-104) |
137 | 국내 | 2014 | Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Eunkyu Lee, Kee-Ryong Choi andGea-Jae Joo | Utilization of fish gut analysis to elucidation of microcrustacean species composition (cladoceran and copepoda) in a shallow and vegetated lake (Jangcheok Lake, South Korea) | Journal of Ecology and Environment (37, 3, 147-153) |
136 | 국내 | 2014 | Hyunbin Jo, Gea-Jae Joo, Myeoungseop Byeon, Dong-Gyun Hong, Jung-Soo Gim, Ji-Yoon Kim and Jong-Yun Choi | Distribution pattern of Pectinatella magnifica (Leidy, 1851), an invasive species, in the Geum River and the Nakdong River, South Korea | Journal of Ecology and Environment (37, 4, 217-223) |
135 | 국내 | 2014 | 이의행, 장광현, 서동일, 최종윤, 주기재, 김미리내, 신재훈, 손미선, 남귀숙 | 부영양 농업용저수지인 전대지의 어류군집 및 먹이망 특성 | 한국환경생물학회지 (32, 4, 319-326) |
134 | 국제 | 2013 | Gu-Yeon Kim, Ji Yoon Kim, George G. Ganf, Chan-Woo Lee, Gea-Jae Joo | Impact of over-wintering waterfowl on tuberous bulrush (Bolboschoenus planiculmis) in tidalflats | Aquatic Botany (107, 17-22) |
133 | 국제 | 2013 | Do, Y., Joo, G. J. | The effect of fragmentation and intensive management on carabid beetles in coniferous forest | Applied Ecology and Environmental Research (11, 3, 451-461) |
132 | 국내 | 2013 | 도윤호, 김성보, 주기재, 최기룡 | 벚나무의 계절현상과 이를 이용한 지역축제와의 관계 -창원시 진해 군항제 사례- | 한국지역지리학회지 (19, 3, 446-453) |
131 | 국내 | 2013 | 최종윤, 나긍환, 김성기, 정광석, 주기재 | 수생식물이 발달된 습지에서 동물플랑크톤 군집 분포: 수생식물의 밀도 및 종류가 부착성 윤충류와 지각류에게 미치는 영향 | 생태와 환경 (46, 1, 86-93) |
130 | 국내 | 2013 | 최종윤, 김성기, 홍성원, 정광석, 라긍환, 주기재 | 소형저수지에서 동물플랑크톤 군집 분포와 먹이망 구조: 주변 토지 이용과 수변식생이 동물플랑크톤 군집에 미치는 영향 | 생태와 환경 (46, 3, 332-342) |
129 | 국내 | 2013 | 김성보, 김지윤, 임란영, 도윤호, 박희순, 주기재, 김구연 | 버드나무류 (Salix spp.)의 계절학적 특성과 주요 기상요인 상관분석 | 한국환경과학회지 (22, 12, 1633-1641) |
128 | 국내 | 2013 | 도윤호, 김지윤, 임란영, 최기룡, 주기재 | 지방자치단체 자연상징물 (새, 꽃, 나무)의 다양성과 분포: 생물다양성의 인식도 평가 | 생태와 환경 (46, 3, 419-428) |
127 | 국제 | 2012 | Yuno Do, Maurice Lineman, Gea-Jae Joo | Effects of agricultural abandonment on carabid beetles in paddy fields | Baltic Journal of Coleopterology (12, 1, 65-75) |
126 | 국제 | 2012 | Yuno DO, Maurice JM LINEMAN, Gea-Jae Joo | Impacts of Different Land-use Patterns on the Carabid Beetle Diversity and Species Assemblages in South Korea. | Ekoloji (21, 84, 9-17) |
125 | 국제 | 2012 | DONG-KYUN KIM, KWANG-SEUK JEONG, KWANG-HYEON CHANG, GEUNG-HWAN LA, Gea-Jae Jooand HYUN-WOO KIM. | Patterning Zooplankton Communities in Accordance with Annual Climatic Conditions in a Regulated River System (Nakdong River, South Korea). | International Review of Hydrobiology (97, 1, 55-72) |
124 | 국제 | 2012 | Ju-Duk Yoon, Jeong-Hui Kim, Gea-Jae Joo, Min-Ho Jang | Post-passage movement of the fluvial fish Zacco temminckii following upstream transportation by a fishway operation in dam | Aquatic Ecology (46, 421-430) |
123 | 국제 | 2012 | Kim,D. K., Jeong,K. S., McKay, R. I. B., Chon, T. S. andJoo, G. J. | Machine Learning for Predictive Management: Short and Long term Prediction of Phytoplankton Biomass using Genetic Algorithm Based Recurrent Neural Networks. | International Journal of Environmental Research (6, 1, 95-108) |
122 | 국내 | 2012 | Yuno Do, Hyunbin Jo, Ji-Hoon Kang andGea-Jae Joo | Spatial-temporal distribution of carabid beetles in wetlands | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (35, 1, 51-58) |
121 | 국내 | 2012 | 도윤호, 김지윤, 임란영, 김성보, 최종윤, 주기재 | 경상남도 내 습지의 공간 분포 및 사회적 특성 | 한국하천호수학회지 (45, 2, 252-260) |
120 | 국내 | 2012 | 도윤호, 김항아, 김성보, 임란영, 김성기, 주기재 | 조선시대 습지에 대한 인식과 이용 | 한국습지학회지 (14, 3, 329-340) |
119 | 국내 | 2012 | 최종윤, 김성기, 나긍환, 정광석, 김현우, 김태규, 주기재 | 우포늪의 미소갑각류 군집 동태: 강우량 및 이화학적 요인이 미소갑각류 군집 분포에 미치는 영향 | 한국하천호수학회지 (45, 3, 340-346) |
118 | 국내 | 2012 | 김항아, 최종윤, 김성기, 도윤호, 주기재, 김동균, 김현우 | 남부지역 소형 관개용 못들에서의 (둠벙) 동물플랑크톤 군집특성 조사 및 평가 | 한국하천호수학회지 (45, 4, 490-498) |
117 | 국내 | 2012 | 최종윤, 나긍환, 정광석, 김성기, 장광현, 주기재 | 동물플랑크톤의 서식 특성에 따른 분류와 먹이망: 상위포식자의 에너지원으로서 부착성 동물플랑크톤의 중요성 | 한국하천호수학회지 (45, 4, 444-452) |
116 | 국제 | 2011 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Han-Gook Kim, Jong-Chul Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Hyun-Woo Kim, Jae-Kwan Lee, Jong-Min Oh, andGea-Jae Joo | Current status of Korean streams and exploring areas with high necessity for stream structure restoration | Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology (47, S117-S125) |
115 | 국제 | 2011 | Ju-Duk Yoon, Min-Ho Jang andGea-Jae Joo | Effect of flooding on fish assemblages in small streams in South Korea | Limnology (12, 197-203) |
114 | 국제 | 2011 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Hyun-Suk Shin, Ju-Duk Yoon, Hyun-Woo Kim, andGea-Jae Joo. | Impact of Summer Rainfall on the Seasonal Water Quality Variation (Chlorophyll a) in the Regulated Nakdong River. | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (15, 6, 983-994) |
113 | 국제 | 2011 | Se-Rin Park, Hyun-Joo Lee, Sang-Woo Lee, Soon-Jin Hwang, Myeong-Seop Byeon, Gea-Jae Joo, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Soo Kong and Myoung-Chul Kim. | Relationships between land use and multi-dimensional characteristics of streams and rivers at two different scales. | Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology (47, S107-S116) |
112 | 국제 | 2011 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Ji-Deok Jang, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea-Jae Joo. | Waterfowls habitat Modelling: Simulation of nest site selection for the migratory Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) in the Nakdong estuary | Ecological Modelling (222, 3149-3156) |
111 | 국내 | 2011 | Ji Yoon Kim, Gea-Jae Joo, Yuno Do, Gu-Yeon Kim, Byeonggug Yang, Myungjin Kim and Chang Seok Lee | Korea National Long-Term Ecological Research: provision against climate change and environmental pollution (Review) | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (34, 1, 3-10) |
110 | 국내 | 2011 | Dong-Kyun Kim, Dong-Gyun Hong, Hyun-Woo Kim, Gea-Jae Jooand Kwang-Seuk Jeong | Longitudinal patterns in limnological characteristics based on long-term ecological research in the Nakdong River | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (34, 1, 39-47) |
109 | 국내 | 2011 | Jong-Yun Choi, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Geung-Hwan La, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kwang-Hyun Chang andGea-Jae Joo | Inter-annual variability of a zooplankton community: the importance of summer concentrated rainfall in a regulated river ecosystem | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (34, 1, 49-58) |
108 | 국내 | 2011 | Hyunbin Jo, Min-Ho Jang, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Yuno Do, Gea-Jae Jooand Ju-Duk Yoon | Long-term changes in fish community and the impact of exotic fish, between the Nakdong River and Upo Wetlands | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (34, 1, 59-68) |
107 | 국내 | 2011 | Yuno Do, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Maurice Lineman, Ji Yoon Kim, Hang-Ah Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Community changes in carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) through ecological succession in abandoned paddy fields | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (34, 3, 269-278) |
106 | 국내 | 2011 | 윤주덕, 김정희, 주기재, 서진원, Hubert Pak, 장민호 | 장흥댐에 설치되어 있는 어도와 담수어류의 이용 분석 | 한국하천호수학회지 (44, 3, 264-271) |
105 | 국제 | 2010 | Jeong,K. S.,Kim,D. K.,Shin,H. S.,Kim,H. W.,Cao,H., Jang,M. H. andJoo,G. J. | Flow Regulation for Water Quality (chlorophyll a) Improvement | International Journal of Environmental Research (4, 4, 713-724) |
104 | 국제 | 2010 | Chan-Woo Lee, Ji-Deok Jang, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Patterning habitat preference of avifaunal assemblage on the Nakdong River etuary (South Korea) using self-organizing map | Ecological Informatics (5, 89-96) |
103 | 국제 | 2010 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Gyun Hong, Myeoung-Seop Byeon, Jong-Chul Jeong, Han-Gook Kim, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea Jae Joo. | Stream modification patterns in a river basin: Field survey and self-organizing map (SOM) application | Ecological Informatics (5, 293-303) |
102 | 국내 | 2010 | Dong-Kyun Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Robert Ian (Bob) McKay, Tae-Soo Chon, Hyun-Woo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Model development in freshwater ecology with a case study using evolutionary computation | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (33, 4, 275-288) |
101 | 국내 | 2010 | 정광석, 김동균, 윤주덕, 라긍환, 김현우, 주기재 | 비선형 시계열 하천생태모형 개발과정 중 시간지연단계와 입력변수, 모형 예측성 간 관계평가 | 한국하천호수학회지 (43, 1, 161-167) |
100 | 국내 | 2010 | 정광석, 신해수, 정주철, 김익재, 최종윤, 정인철, 주기재 | 공간분석 및 현장조사 평가 기법을 활용한 4대강 강변저류지 조성 후보지 선정 | 한국하천호수학회지 (43, 1, 44-54) |
99 | 국내 | 2010 | 김현우, 최종윤, 라긍환, 정광석, 주기재 | 강 배후 습지생태계 (우포)에서 강우량과 동물플랑크톤 군집 동태 | 한국하천호수학회지 (43, 1, 129-135) |
98 | 국내 | 2010 | Jeong, Hyun-Gi, Geung-Hwan La, Hyun-Woo Kim, Min-Ho Jang, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Ju-Duk Yoon andGea-Jae Joo | Diel Pattern of Littoral Swarming in Moina macrocopa and Impact of Juvenile Fish Density | Korean Journal of Limnology (43, 4, 513-517) |
97 | 국제 | 2009 | GeungHwanLa, HyunGiJeong, MyoungChulKim, GeaJaeJoo, KwangHyeonChang, Hyun-WooKim. | Response of diapausing eggs hatching to changes in temperature and the presence of fish kairomones | Hydrobiologia (635, 399-402) |
96 | 국내 | 2009 | Myoung-Chul Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Du-Kee Kang, Dong-Kyun Kim, Hyun-Suk Shin, Gea-Jae Joo | Time Lags between Hydrological Variables and Phytoplankton Biomass Responses in a Regulated River (the Nakdong River) | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (32, 4, 221-227) |
95 | 국내 | 2009 | Jeong, Kwang-Seuk, Dong-Kyun Kim, Dong-Kyun Hong, Jong-Yun Choi, Ju-Duk Yoon andGea-Jae Joo | Relationships among a Habitat-Riparian Indexing System (HIS), Water Quality, and Land Coverage: a Case Study in the Main Channel of the Yangsan stream (South Korea) | Korean Journal of Limnology (42, 4, 502-509) |
94 | 국제 | 2008 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Jong-Mun Jung, Myoung-Chul Kim, Gea-Jae Joo | Non-linear autoregressive modelling by Temporal Recurrent Neural Networks for the prediction of freshwater phytoplankton dynamics | Ecological Modelling (211, 292-300) |
93 | 국제 | 2008 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Ajit Pattnaik, Krupasindhu Bhatta, Bishnu Bhandari andGea-Jae Joo | Patterning limnological characteristics of the Chilika lagoon (India) using a self-organizing map | Limnology (9, 231-242) |
92 | 국제 | 2008 | Min-Ho Jang, Ju-duk Yoon, Joon-Hwan Shin andGea-Jae Joo. | Status of freshwater fish around the Korean Demilitarized Zone and its implications for conservation | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (18, 819-828) |
91 | 국내 | 2008 | Jeong, Kwang-Seuk, Gea-Jae Joo, Dong-Kyun Kim, Maurice Lineman, Sang-Hyeon Kim, Il Jang, Soon-Jin Hwang, Jin-Hong Kim, Jae-Kwan Lee and Myeong-Seop Byeon | Development of Habitat-riparian Quality Indexing System as a Tool of Stream Health Assessment: Case Study in the Nakdong River Basin | Korean Journal of Limnology (41, 4, 499-511) |
90 | 국내 | 2008 | Kim, Myoung-Chul, Geung-Hwan La, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea-Jae Joo | The Effect of Water Temperature on Proliferation of Stephanodiscus sp. in vitro from the Nakdong River, South Korea | Korean Journal of Limnology (41, 1, 26-33) |
89 | 국내 | 2008 | 주기재, 김동균, 윤주덕, 정광석 | 기후변화와 담수 생태계: 변화와 대응 | 대한환경공학회지 (30, 12, 1190-1196) |
88 | 국제 | 2007 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Delayed influence of dam storage and discharge on the determination of seasonal proliferations of Microcystis aeruginosa and Stephanodiscus hantzschii in a regulated river system of the lower Nakdong River (South Korea). | Water Research (41, 1269-1279) |
87 | 국제 | 2007 | Dong-Kyun Kim, Hongqing Cao, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Friedrich Recknagel andGea-Jae Joo. | Predictive function and rules for population dynamics of Microcystis aeruginosa in the regulated Nakdong River (South Korea), discovered by evolutionary algorithms. | Ecological Modelling (203, 147-156) |
86 | 국제 | 2007 | Dong-KyunKim, Kwang-SeukJeong, PeterA.WhighamandGea-Jae Joo. | Winter diatom blooms in a regulated river in South Korea: explanations based on evolutionary computation | Freshwater Biology (52, 2021-2041) |
85 | 국내 | 2007 | 윤주덕, 장민호, 오동하, 주기재 | 부산시 도시하천의 어류군집과 하천복원을 위한 제안 | 한국하천호수학회지 (40, 2, 303-317) |
84 | 국내 | 2007 | 라긍환, 정현기, 김학표, 신만균, 김현우, 주기재 | 먹이농도와 포식자의 밀도가 Daphnia의 분포유형에 미치는 영향 | 한국하천호수학회지 (40, 2, 352-356) |
83 | 국내 | 2007 | 도윤호, 장민호, 김동균, 주기재 | 우포늪 범람에 의한 먼지벌레류 (딱정벌레목, 딱정벌레과)의 다양성과 종조성 변화 | 한국하천호수학회지 (40, 2, 346-351) |
82 | 국내 | 2007 | 도윤호, 문태영, 주기재 | 습지지표종으로서 딱정벌레류를 이용한 부산, 경남 주요 습지의 특성 및 변화 관찰 | 한국환경생태학회지 (21, 1, 22-29) |
81 | 국내 | 2007 | La, Geung-Hwan, Hyun-Gi Jeong, Myoung-Chul Kim, Hyun-Woo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | The Field Observations on the Littoral Swarming of Cladocera (Scapholeberis kingi Sars 1903) and the Correlation with Environmental Factors | Korean Journal of Limnology (40, 4, 581-585) |
80 | 국내 | 2007 | Kim, Myoung-Chul, Geung-Hwan La, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Spatial Dynamics of Diatom Community in the Mid to Lower Part of the Nakdong River, South Korea | Korean Journal of Limnology (40, 4, 576-580) |
79 | 국제 | 2006 | You-Jung Lee, Jong-Mun Jung, Min-Ho Jang, Kyong Ha andGea-Jae Joo | Degradation of microcystins by adsorbed bacteria on a granular active carbon(GAC) filter during the water treatment process | Journal of Environmental Biology (27, 2, 317-322) |
78 | 국제 | 2006 | Jang, M-H. andG-J Joo, Lucas MC | Diet of introduced largemouth bass in Korean rivers and potential interactions with native fishes | Ecology of Freshwater Fish (15, 315-320) |
77 | 국제 | 2006 | Hongqing Cao, Friedrich Recknagel, Gea-Jae Jooand Dong-Kyun Kim. | Discovery of predictive rule sets for chlorophyll-a dynamics in the Nakdong River (Korea) by means of the hybrid evolutionary algorithm HEA. | Ecological Informatics (1, 43-53) |
76 | 국제 | 2006 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim andGea-Jae Joo | River phytoplankton prediction model by artificial neural network: Model performance and selection of input variables to predict time-series phytoplankton proliferations in a regulated river system. | Ecological Informatics (1, 235-245) |
75 | 국제 | 2006 | Lee Chan-Woo, Gu-Yeon Kim, Ji-Deok Jang, Bishnu B Bhandari andGea-Jae Joo | WATER LEVEL FLUCTUATION AND HABITAT USE PATTERN OF WINTERING WATERBIRDS IN THE JUNAM RESERVOIR AREA, SOUTH KOREA | Journal of Bioscience (17, 2, 79-92) |
74 | 국내 | 2006 | Kim, Dong-Kyun, Gea-Jae Joo, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Kwang-Hyeon Chang and Hyun-Woo Kim | Patterning Zooplankton Dynamics in the Regulated Nakdong River by Means of the Self-Organizing Map | Korean Journal of Limnology (39, 1, 52-61) |
73 | 국내 | 2006 | 장민호, 정종문, 주기재 | 동물플랑크톤 노출 강도가 유해남조 Microcystis aeruginosa와 Planktothrix agardhii의 생체량 및 세포내 microcystin함량변화에 미치는 영향 | 한국하천호수학회지 (39, 2, 209-218) |
72 | 국내 | 2006 | Lee, Chan-Woo, Gu-Yeon Kim, Ji-Deok Jang andGea-Jae Joo | Evaluation of Winter Barley Fields as Feeding Habitat for Waterfowl in the Dongup Reservoir System, Korea | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology (29, 2, 165-169) |
71 | 국내 | 2006 | 장민호, 윤주덕, 채병수, 주기재 | 동해유입천에 서식하는 잔가시고기의 미토콘드리아 DNA를 이용한 계통분류학적 연구 | 한국하천호수학회지 (39, 2, 265-270) |
70 | 국내 | 2006 | 윤주덕, 장민호, 김명철, 남귀숙, 황순진, 주기재 | 농업용 저수지의 어류군집 특성 | 한국하천호수학회지 (39, 1, 131-137) |
69 | 국제 | 2005 | Jung,J. H.,Y. J. Lee,H. G. Park,E. Y. Jung,M. H. Jang, H. Kyong,P. S. Shin andG. J. Joo | Changes in microcystin content and environmental parameters over the course of a toxic cyanobacteria bloom in a hypertrophic regulated river, South Korea | Journal of Environmental Biology (26, 1, 97-103) |
68 | 국제 | 2005 | M. H. Jang, G. I. Cho andG. J. Joo | The impact of unregulated fishing on the size distribution of a fish population in a temperate upland stream pool | Journal of Freshwater Ecology (20, 1, 191-193) |
67 | 국내 | 2005 | Kim, Dong-Kyun, Hyun-Woo Kim, Gu-Yeon Kim, Young-Sang Kim, Myoung-Chul Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong andGea-Jae Joo | Prolonged Turbidity of the Lower Nakdong River in 2003 | Korean Journal of Limnology (38, 44-53) |
66 | 국내 | 2005 | 성영두, 박봉진, 주기재, 정관수 | 하천의 어류 서식환경을 고려한 생태학적 추천유량 산정 | 한국수자원학회지 (38, 7, 545-554) |
65 | 국내 | 2005 | Jong-Mun Jung, Eun-Young Jung, You-Jung Lee, Hong-Ki Park, Mi-Eun Jung, Ki-Won Ji andGea-Jae Joo | Strain Identification and Comparative Analysis of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria Determined by PCR | Journal of Environmental Sciences (14, 7, 649-655) |
64 | 국내 | 2005 | You-Jung Lee, Jong-Mun Jung, Pan-Se Shin andGea-Jae Joo | Daily Variation of Phytoplankton and Water Quality in the Lower Nakdong River | Algae (20, 1, 133-140) |
63 | 국내 | 2005 | Kim, Hyun-Woo, Kwang-Hyeon Chang andGea-Jae Joo | Characteristics and Inter-annual Variability of Zooplankton Dynamics in the Middle Part of the River (Nakdong River) | Korean Journal of Limnology (38, 3, 412-419) |
62 | 국내 | 2005 | Jeong, Kwang-Seuk, Dong-Kyun Kim, Tae-Soo Chon andGea-Jae Joo | Machine Learning Application to the Korean Freshwater Ecosystems | Korean Journal of Limnology (28, 6, 405-415) |
61 | 국내 | 2005 | 김구연, 이찬우, 윤해순, 주기재 | 낙동강 하구의 수생관속식물의 분포 변화와 수금류(고니류)의 먹이식물인 세모고랭이의 성장 변화 | 한국생태학회지 (28, 5, 335-345) |
60 | 국제 | 2004 | Min-Ho Jang, Kyong Ha, Martyn C. Lucas, Gea-Jae Jooand Noriko Takamura | Changes in microcystin production by Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to phytoplanktivorous and omnivorous fish | Aquatic Toxicology (68, 51-59) |
59 | 국내 | 2004 | Chang, Kwang-Hyeon, Hyun-Woo Kim, Geung-Hwan La, Kwang-Seuk Jeong andGea-Jae Joo | Prey preference of juvenile fish based on the laboratory experiments and its impact on zooplankton community of the Nakdong River | Korean Journal of Limnology (37, 1, 130-136) |
58 | 국내 | 2004 | 김구연, 이찬우, 주기재 | 우포늪 물억새 (Miscanthus sasshariflorus)군락에서 생장초기에 잘라주기와 태워주기에 따른 성장변화 | 한국하천호수학회지 (37, 2, 255-262) |
57 | 국내 | 2004 | Kim, Hyun-Woo, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Woon-Kyun Shin, Geung-Hwan La, Kwang-Seuk Jeong andGea-Jae Joo | Population dynamics of predator (Asplanchna spp.) and its impact on herbivorous Rotifers community in three tributaries of the Nakdong River (S. Korea) | Korean Journal of Limnology (37, 4, 385-393) |
56 | 국제 | 2003 | Ga Ik Cho, Min-Ho Jang, Sung-Bae Park, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Gea-Jae Joo | Fish fauna and the exotic species Micropterus salmoides in floodplain wetlands (Woopo and Junam) of the Nakdong River in S. Korea | Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology (3, 4, 363-369) |
55 | 국제 | 2003 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Dong-Kyun Kim, Peter Whigham, Gea-Jae Joo | Modelling Microcystis aeruginosa bloom dynamics in the Nakdong River by means of evolutionary computation and statistical approach | Ecological Modelling (161, 67-78) |
54 | 국제 | 2003 | Min-Ho Jang, Martyn C. Lucas, Gea-Jae Joo | The fish fauna of mountain streams in South Korean national parks and its significance to conservation of regional freshwater fish biodiversity | Biological Conservation (114, 115-126) |
53 | 국제 | 2003 | MIN-HO Jang, JOO Gea-Jae, CHOI Shin-Sok | The impact of monsoon on the distribution of fish in a small stream, Korea | Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology (3, 1, 87-95) |
52 | 국제 | 2003 | Min-Ho Jang, Kyong Ha, Gea-Jae Jooand Noriko Takamura | Toxin production of cyanobacteria is increased by exposure to zooplankton | Freshwater Biology (48, 1540-1550) |
51 | 국제 | 2003 | Min-Ho Jang, Kyong Ha andGea-Jae Joo | Toxin-mediated interaction between cyanobacteria and native fishes in the eutrophic Hoedong Reservoir, South Korea | Journal of Freshwater Ecology (18, 4, 639-646) |
50 | 국제 | 2003 | Kyong Ha, Min-Ho Jang andGea-Jae Joo | Winter Stephanodiscus bloom development in the lower Nakdong River regulated by an estuary dam and tributaries | Hydrobiologia (506-509, 221-227) |
49 | 국내 | 2003 | 노재순, 손희종, 박홍기, 황영도, 류동춘, 강임석, 주기재 | 고도정수공정에서의 BOM 제거특성 평가 | 대한환경공학회지 (25, 7, 909-919) |
48 | 국내 | 2003 | Joo, Gea-Jae, Min-Ho Jang, Sung-Bae Park, Jong-Mun Jung, Jae-Soon Roh and Kwang-Seuk Jeong | The application of an algal fence for the reduction of algal intake into the water intake facility | Korean Journal of Limnology (36, 4, 467-472) |
47 | 국내 | 2003 | Jang, Min Ho, Ga-Ik Cho, Ho-Bok Song, Hwa-Kun Byeon, Hyun-Woo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Fish Distribution and Water Quality of Mountain Streams in the Jirisan National Park, Korea | The Korean Journal of Ecology (26, 6, 297-305) |
46 | 국내 | 2003 | Jong-Mun Jung, You-Jung Lee, Hong-Ki Park, Eun-Young Jung andGea-Jae Joo | The Analysis of Cyanobacterial Neurotoxins by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry | The Korean Journal of Ecology (18, 3, 233-238) |
45 | 국내 | 2003 | 하 경, 장민호, 정종문, 주기재 | 동물플랑크톤 배양여과액에 의한 Microcystis aeruginosa의 성장, 형태 및 microcystin 생성량 변화 | 한국하천호수학회지 (36, 1, 1-8) |
44 | 국내 | 2003 | Kim, Hyun-Woo, Kwang-Hyeon Chang, Kwang-Seuk Jeong andGea-Jae Joo | The Spring Metazooplankton Dynamics in the River-Reservoir Hybrid System(Nakdong River, Korea): Its Role in Controlling the Phytoplankton Biomass | Korean Journal of Limnology (36, 4, 420-426) |
43 | 국제 | 2002 | H.-W. Kim, S.-J. Hwang, K.-H. Chang, M.-H. Jang, G.-J. Jooand N. Walz | Longitudinal difference in zooplankton grazing on phyto- and bacterioplankton in the Nakdong River (Korea) | International Review of Hydrobiology (87, 2-3, 281-293) |
42 | 국제 | 2002 | Kyong Ha, Min-Ho Jang andGea-Jae Joo | Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton communities along a regulated river system, the Nakdong River, Korea | Hydrobiologia (470, 235-245) |
41 | 국제 | 2002 | MIN-HO JANG, JUNG-GON KIM, SUNG-BAE PARK, KWANG-SEUK JEONG, GA-IK CHO andGEA-JEA JOO | The current status of distribution of the introduced fish in large river systems of South Korea | International Review of Hydrobiology (87, 2-3, 319-328) |
40 | 국내 | 2002 | 하 경, 장민호, 정광석, 박재림, 주기재 | pH, 영양염류 농도 및 빛이 Microcystis bloom의 초기단계에 미치는 영향 | 한국환경과학회지 (11, 7, 705-711) |
39 | 국내 | 2002 | 김구연, 주기재, 김현우, 신건성, 윤해순 | 낙동강 하류에서 수서무척추동물에 의한 정수식물의 낙엽분해 | 한국하천호수학회지 (35, 3, 172-180) |
38 | 국내 | 2002 | 박성배, 이상균, 장광현, 정광석, 주기재 | 장마기의 강우가 낙동강 하류(물금) 수질에 미치는 영향 | 한국하천호수학회지 (35, 3, 160-171) |
37 | 국내 | 2002 | Jung-Mun Jung, Hong-Ki Park, You-Jung Lee, Eun-Young Jung, Ki-Won Kwon, Pan-Se Shin, andGea-Jae Joo | Effect of Chlorination on Removal of Cyanobacterial Microcystins | Journal of Environmental Sciences (11, 11, 1157-1163) |
36 | 국내 | 2002 | Joo, Gea-Jae, Gu-Yeon Kim, Sung-Bae Park, Chan-Woo Lee and Sang-Ho Choi | Limnological Characteristics and Influences of Free-floating Plants on the Woopo Wetland during the Summer | Korean Journal of Limnology (35, 4, 273-284) |
35 | 국내 | 2002 | Nam, Gui-Sook, Byeng-Hyen Park, Jae-Ok Kim, Kwang-Sik Lee, Gea-Jae Jooand Sang-Joon Lee | Purification Characteristics and Hydraulic Conditions in an Artificial Wetland System | Korean Journal of Limnology (35, 4, 285-294) |
34 | 국내 | 2002 | Joo, Gea-Jae, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Hyun-Woo Kim and Kwang-Hyeon Chang | Vertical Distribution of Zooplankton in the Regulated River (Nakdong River) | Korean Journal of Limnology (35, 4, 320-325) |
33 | 국내 | 2002 | 장민호, 조가익, 하진용, 정광석, 박성배, 주기재 | 설악산 국립공원의 어류분포 | 한국어류학회지 (14, 4, 278-288) |
32 | 국제 | 2001 | Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Gea-Jae Joo, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kyong Ha, Friedrich Recknagel | Prediction and elucidation of phytoplankton dynamics in the Nakdong River (Korea) by means of a recurrent artificial neural network | Ecological Modelling (146, 115-129) |
31 | 국제 | 2001 | HYUN WOO KIM, GEA JAE JOOand NORBERT WALZ | Zooplankton dynamics in the hyper-eutrophic Nakdong River system (Korea) regulated by an Estuary Dam and Side Channels | International Review of Hydrobiology (86, 1, 127-143) |
30 | 국내 | 2001 | 장민호, 조가익, 주기재 | 낙동강 본류의 어류상 | 한국하천호수학회지 (34, 3, 223-238) |
29 | 국내 | 2001 | 장민호, 최기룡, 주기재 | 울산지역(가지산) 상류하천의 어류군집 | 한국하천호수학회지 (34, 3, 239-250) |
28 | 국내 | 2001 | 박재림, 하 경, 손연주, 주기재 | 낙동강 중 · 하류에서 식물플랑크톤과 세균의 계절적 동태 | 한국환경과학회지 (10, 4, 259-267) |
27 | 국내 | 2001 | Chang, Kwang-Hyeon, Soon-Jin Hwang, Min-Ho Jang, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong andGea-Jae Joo | Effect of juvenile fish predation on the zooplankton community in the large regulated Nakdong River, South Korea | Korean Journal of Limnology (34, 4, 310-318) |
26 | 국내 | 2001 | Ha, Kyong, Min-Ho Jang, Gea-Jae Jooand Noriko Takamura | Growth and morphological changes in Scenedesmus dimorphus induced by substances released from grazers, Daphnia magna and Moina macrocopa | Korean Journal of Limnology (34, 4, 285-291) |
25 | 국제 | 2000 | Hyun-Woo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | The longitudinal distribution and community dynamics of zooplankton in a regulated large river: a case study of the Nakdong River (Korea) | Hydrobiologia (438, 171-184) |
24 | 국제 | 2000 | Kyong Ha, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kwang-Seuk Jeong, Gea-Jae Joo | Vertical distribution of Microcystis population in the regulated Nakdong River, Korea | Limnology (1, 225-230) |
23 | 국제 | 2000 | Hyun-Woo Kim, Soon-Jin Hwang andGea-Jae Joo | Zooplankton grazing on bacteria and phytoplankton in a regulated large river (Nakdong River ,Korea) | Journal of Plankton Research (22, 8, 1559-1577) |
22 | 국내 | 2000 | Kim, Hyun-Woo, Gea-Jae Jooand Norbert Walz | Differences of Zooplankton Development Along a Lake and a River Stretch of the River Spree(Germany) | Korean Journal of Limnology (33, 3, 197-205) |
21 | 국내 | 2000 | Ha, Kyong andGea-Jae Joo | Role of silica in phytoplankton succession: an enclosure experiment in the downstream Nakdong River (Mulgum) | The Korean Journal of Ecology (23, 4, 299-307) |
20 | 국제 | 1999 | Sangkyun Lee, Sangho Choi, Hyunwoo Kim, Kyong Ha andGeajae Joo | Inter-annual variability of nutrients loadings in the lower Nakdong River, Mulgum, Korea | Acta hydrobiologica Sinica (23, 17-23) |
19 | 국제 | 1999 | Kyong Ha, Eun-Ah Cho, Hyun-Woo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Microcystis bloom formation in the lower Nakdong River, South Korea: importance of hydrodynamics and nutrient loading. | Marine and Freshwater Research (50, 89-94) |
18 | 국내 | 1999 | 장광현, 김현우, 최상호, 김중곤, 주기재 | 도시하천(서울 양재천) 및 산지하천(경기도 사기막천)에서 부착 규조 군집의 동태 | 한국하천호수학회지 (32, 3, 229-237) |
17 | 국내 | 1999 | 박성배, 이지영, 장민호, 김현우, 정종문, 김종원, 주기재 | 보 구간(양산천)에서의 수질과 식물플랑크톤 군집에 관한 연구(1993~1996) | 한국하천호수학회지 (32, 4, 331-340) |
16 | 국내 | 1999 | Kim, Hyun-Woo, Soon-Jin Hwang andGea-Jae Joo | Grazing rates of rotifers and their contribution to community grazing in Nakdong River | The Korean Journal of Ecology (22, 6, 337-342) |
15 | 국제 | 1998 | H. W. Kim, K. Ha andG. J. Joo | Eutrophication of the lower Nakdong River after the construction of an estuarine dam in 1987 | International Review of Hydrobiology (83, 65-72) |
14 | 국제 | 1998 | Kyong Ha, Hyun-Woo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | The phytoplankton succession in the lower part of hypertrophic Nakdong River (Mulgum), South Korea | Hydrobiologia (369/370, 217-227) |
13 | 국내 | 1998 | 김현우, 하 경, 주기재 | 상류하천에서의 인공저층을 이용한 부착조류의 생체량 측정을 위한 노출기간 평가 | 한국환경과학회지 (7, 1, 112-115) |
12 | 국내 | 1998 | Chang, Kwang-Hyeon, Sang-Ho Choi, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kyong Ha andGea-Jae Joo | Seasonal changes of the zooplankton community in the Woopo Wetland | Korean Journal of Limnology (31, 4, 258-265) |
11 | 국내 | 1998 | Choi, Sang-Ho, Kyong Ha, Yoon-Hee Ju, Hyun-Woo Kim andGea-Jae Joo | Physico-chemical characteristics of the Woopo Wetland, S. Korea | Korean Journal of Limnology (31, 4, 273-281) |
10 | 국내 | 1997 | 주기재, 김현우, 하 경 | 하천 생태학의 발전과 우리 나라 하천 연구의 현황 | 한국생태학회지 (20, 1, 69-78) |
9 | 국내 | 1997 | 김현주, 윤해순, 김진수, 김현우, 주기재 | 산지하천에서 빛과 초식에 의한 부착조류의 생체량변화 | 한국하천호수학회지 (30, 4, 385-392) |
8 | 국내 | 1997 | 하 경, 박성배, 김현우, 김진수, 주기재 | 부산·경상남도의 상류하천의 물리·화학적 특성과 부착조류 생체량의 분포 | 한국하천호수학회지 (30, 4, 393-403) |
7 | 국내 | 1997 | Joo, Gea-Jae, Hyun-Woo Kim, Kyong Ha and Jwa-Kwan Kim | Long-term trend of the eutrophication of the lower Nakdong River | Korean Journal of Limnology (30, 472-480) |
6 | 국내 | 1996 | Kim, Hyun-woo, Gea-Jae Jooand Jong-hoon Choi | Leaf Litter Processing and Patterns of Shredder Distribution in Headwater Streams in Southeastern Korea | The Korean Journal of Ecology (19, 6, 529-541) |
5 | 국제 | 1995 | Joo, G. J.and Francko, David A. | Limnological characterization of the Tristate oxbow wetland (Ohio, Indiana). | Ohio Journal of Science (95, 5, 316-320) |
4 | 국내 | 1995 | Joo, Gea-Jaeand Amelia K. Ward | Alkaline phosphatase activity in two geologically different streams in Alabama, U. S. A | The Korean Journal of Ecology (18, 1, 1-15) |
3 | 국제 | 1994 | D. A. Francko, S. Al-Hamdani andG.-J. Joo | Enhancement of nitrogen fixation in Anabaena flos-aquae (cyanobacteria) via low-dose ultrasonic treatment | Journal of Applied Phycology (6, 455-458) |
2 | 국제 | 1994 | Conforti, V. and Joo, G. J. | Taxonomic and ultrastructural study of Trachelomonas Ehr. and Strombomonas Defl.(Euglenophyta) from Oxbow lakes in Alabama and Indiana (USA) | Cryptogamin Algologie (15, 267-286) |
1 | 국제 | 1992 | Gea-Jae Joo, Amelia K. Ward and G. Milton Ward | Ecology of Pectinatella magnifica (Bryozoa) in an Alabama oxbow lake: colony growth and association with algae. | Journal of the North American Benthological Society (11, 3, 324-333) |